Forstok POS

Power Your Business with Forstok Retail POS

Forstok Retail POS syncs your online and in-person sales, payments, and inventory automatically for easy management.

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Web-Based Retail POS

Seamlessly integrate and manage sales across offline and online channels

Get started quickly and easily

Activate Forstok POS in just a few clicks. Manage everything right from the Forstok Dashboard.

Seamless inventory sync offline and online

Simplify your workflow with inventory syncs across all channels, every time you make an in-store sale.

Easily input new order and print receipt

Streamline your sales process and provide fast, efficient service to your customers

Why Forstok Retail POS

Integrate your offline and online sales to increase revenue, improve customer loyalty, and stay competitive in today's rapidly evolving retail industry

Best-in-class user experience

Cloud-based, compatible with both mobile and web

Inventory syncs in-store and online

Unified customer and reporting

Get started with Forstok today

Forstok Retail POS syncs your online and in-person sales, payments, and inventory automatically for easy management.

PT. Forstok Teknologi Indonesia

18 Office Park LT 10 unit A Jl. TB Simatupang No. 18, Jakarta Selatan. DKI Jakarta. 12520.

Copyright © 2023 PT. Forstok Teknologi Indonesia. All rights reserved.